Who’s Who

Red Tucker

Meet your bartender, Red Tucker, at the “Fox’s Den” saloon. He’s a single, sarcastic, shrewd and cynical fox who loves to get the last laugh & usually does—at the customers’ expense.

Valentine Brown

And this is our waitress Valentine Brown—but you can call her Val. Constantly searching for true love, our bubbly bear has all the charm and elegance of a double hernia, and will go to almost any length to get her man, whether he likes it or not.

Curly Farrow

Meet one of our regulars, Curly Farrow, a pig who runs a dating service. This wimpy Don Juan “wanna be” can seldom get a date for himself, but when he does it generally results in a disaster.

Larry Vegas

Here’s our favorite auto salesman, Larry Vegas the snake. He’s three-times divorced, and you’re sure (well, pretty sure) to get the “best best deal” from this wheeler-dealer and bamboozler when you shop for your next used car.

Rod Capon

Here you have the lovebirds Rod Capon and his wife Camilla. This rooster and chicken claim they make a perfect couple, but others find them slightly dysfunctional. Camilla desires only to climb the corporate ladder at her father’s television station while she keeps Rod busy anchoring the news.  Thus they rarely have time for each other, except evenings at the Fox’s Den.